Welcome to Trig-It 1.5 for Windows! This is the 3rd version of Trig-It for Windows to be released. It is the Windows version of it's DOS Counterpart... Trig-It Release 2.5 with the following modifications: I. Trig-It 1.5 for Windows incorporates a new feature: Conversions! A. Angular Conversions: 1. Convert from Degrees, Minutes and Seconds to Decimal Degrees (and vice versa). 2. Convert from Decimal Degrees to Radians (and vice versa). 3. Convert from Decimal Degrees to Grads (and vice versa). B. Distance Conversions: 1. Convert from Feet, Inches and Fractions of an Inch to Decimal Inches. 2. Convert from Decimal inches to Feet, Inches and fractions of an Inch. Trig-It for Windows 1.0 had a small BUG in it...It was NOT scaled to TWIPS, therefore, the introductory screen failed to display properly. I was running in 1024 x 768 graphics mode when I wrote Trig-It for Windows 1.0 and, as a result, failed to anticipate where the user windows would appear at 640 x 480 and 800 x 600 graphic modes. I reset my system to 640 x 480 and relocated all of the user windows so that they will display correctly regardless of what resolution you are running in your windows environment. Thanks for your patience! Since Trig-It is written to accept singular units of measure (i.e. the SI or Metric system), these features come in handy for Architectural Engineering as well as Civil Engineering. By utilizing Windows' clipboard commands; CTL-C to Copy and CTL-V to insert, you can perform a conversion, highlite the results of your calculation and copy it to any position in your form for calculating your triangle(s). Future releases of Trig-It for Windows will incorporate Drag-and-Drop, as well as generating a graphical representation of the triangle you calculated in a scaled format. There will also be a release that incorporates Geometry. That release will be titled "Geo-Trig for Windows 1.0". Don't waste time, Register your copy of Trig-It for Windows 1.5 NOW! Registration entitles you to FREE upgrades for a YEAR! As the product improves, the registration fee will be increasing, so avoid costly registration fees in the future by registering now. Just fill out the registration form and mail it (along with your check or money order) to: Terry Fairlamb, CMfgE C/O SofTECH (Software, Technical) 32522 Windsor Garden City, MI 48135-1660 USA E-Mail Address: TFairlamb@aol.com Please make check or money order payable to Terry Fairlamb. The registration form is contained in the file titled "LICENSE.TXT" which was included with the executable file and this file. Just print it out, fill it in (ALL information PLEASE) and mail it with your check or money order. Thanks for Trying Trig-It for Windows 1.5! Terry Fairlamb, CMfgE SofTECH, President